Analysis of the meaning and position of poetry on Abdul Qahir Jurjanii and Geoffry Leech’s opinion

Document Type : Collection and review articles


1 Ph.D student of Arabic language and literature at Al-zahra University

2 Associated professor of arab language and literature at azahra university


The purpose of conforming the form of the word to meaning and position in traditional rhetoric match shape with meaning and mental purpose which is called form and content linguistics. Analyze this conformance based on the verbal context, i.e., semantic relationships- syntactic words regardless of situational context, i.e., the conditions of production and speech reception are not possible. Choice of Pleonasm, brevity, outspokenness, allusive stile …And the plenty of form patterns is due to the variety of situations. Analysis of lexical compounds according to event, function and habits of social life and the author’s objective experiences are external factors or situational context, it is very important to the verbal context.
The unclearness of the position and the context; is the reason and necessity of writing this this regard, the traditional opinion of Abdul Qahir Jurjanii and leech’s linguistic was compared by descriptive-analytical method .the research result shows that: The exact analysis of the corresponds to the form of speech with meaning or the verbal context is done through a purpose or situational context .The variation in the position of the factor influences the structure and form of speech.
According to Jurjanii and Leech, The poetry style deserves a deviation form the syntax and the usual combination of vocabularies which corresponds to the rhetorical purpose, the content and the general concept, is understood through the form of speech.


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