The Analysis of the Theme and Image of Childhood Stories Samad Behrangi

Document Type : Analytical and critical article




Theme and image play an important and constructive role in children's stories. Theme selection and proper processing have an important role in attracting the audience. The writers of children’s literature chose introversals for the story to be attractive and thoughtful. As a key element, the image should also help the child understand the intricacies of the story and encourage the audience's imaginative aesthetic. The research method is documentary and quantitative analysis of the content of the works. In this research, the components such as its intrinsic and frequency, the method of presenting the in-tune, the relationship between the title of the story and its theme, and its role in the presentation of the intangible, are discussed. The subject of Behranghi's stories is about social issues and community crises. In Behranghi's works, the subject matter variation is relatively small. One-dimensional social (social) works have caused his audience to be often of a particular class of society. The relationship between images with a theme one is often a complementary relationship. The image helps to better capture the theme. Black and white images use neutral colors (gray and black) with intricate stories.


Main Subjects

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