Study Lyrical motifs in revolutionary poet

Document Type : Applied Research


1 PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, Kashan University

2 PH.D of Persian Language and Literature, Najafabad Islamic Azad University


The poetry of the Islamic Revolution is a continuation of the previous Persian poetry and encompasses all the territories of the past, both in terms of themes and themes and in terms of form. The poetry of the Islamic Revolution has both an epic theme, a mystical, a romantic, a religious, a social and a political one; it is better to say that there are no divine, humane and universal themes that the poets of the revolution have not addressed. Romantic poetry is one of the branches of revolutionary poetry that has a remarkable presence in the poetry of this period.The romantic lyrical songs of the revolution, which are sung in all forms, especially the sonnets, are mainly of poetic dignity and decency, which in this respect are
distinct from the pre-revolutionary lyrical poems. Since love and the expression of pure emotions and emotions in the form of the most beautiful descriptive sentences in the literature of the revolution is a part of the themes which we consider to be rich literature, In the present study, we have examined the richness of post-revolutionary literature by using descriptive and content analysis methods. Considering the morale of the people as well as the poets of the poets at this time, it can be said that rich literature, besides the mystical and epic themes, has a considerable part of the literature of this period.


Main Subjects

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