A study of therapeutic practices in Iranian folk tales

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Pain and distress are common themes in folk tales. Pains, therapists and therapists have many different shapes, forms, and ways to tell stories. Understanding them reveals a deeper understanding of the concepts of pain and treatment. A descriptive-analytical approach has been used to identify the manifestations of pain and therapy in a four-volume collection of Iranian stories of Anjavi Shirazi and pain forms, therapists, and therapies have been extracted, classified and analyzed. The findings of the study indicate that therapists fall into the folk tales of both human and mythical and mythical personalities. Therapies also include: magic-supernatural therapy, medical-based therapy, traditional folk therapy, and psychotherapy. Despite the novelty of "storytelling" knowledge in modern psychology, this method is also present in folk tales. In the optimistic sense of the stories, the pains that are untreated in the real world can be treated with mythical and mythical therapists and supernatural and magical techniques. Physicians are the only group of therapists who sometimes fail to receive treatment and prescribe supplements. The existence of magical-transcendental healers does not hurt in stories without treatment, even if one is blind, sterile, and infertile. This hopeful and supportive thought expresses the concern and desire to maintain and maintain human health.


Main Subjects

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