A Look at the Local Poems and Songs of Shushtam District of Sabzevar

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


1 facuite member

2 PhD student of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran


Shushtam mountainous city, one of the suburbs of the city of Sabzevar, with a history of about two thousand years, is located thirty kilometers south of Sabzevar and on the northern slope of mountains called "Kohmish". It forms part of the Sheshmad oral literature, songs and local dubits. These songs are: Romantic, Expensive, Religious, Social, Individual, and Requiem. The purpose of this article is to examine the content and structure of the local poems and songs of the local people, which have been transcribed as oral literature and from the language and content of the local people. The method of gathering information was through interviewing people. Each term is described as far as possible except for its operational definition, meaning and meaning. The population under study was the people of Shushtam town and its neighboring villages. Part of the results of this study is the decline and disappearance of these poems and songs. The reason is that the statistical data are consistent with this.


Main Subjects

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