A New Glance on Verb Mood in Persian Language

Document Type : Analytical and critical article



Many researches and studies have been conducted in the field of Persian grammar the result of which is valuable and important. However, there are still many answer-free questions about this, indicating the necessity of the more exact scientific studies. One of these is verb mood with numerous questions such as: Is there a comprehensive definition for the mood as one of the verb features? Is the structure important or function to determine the verb mood? On the other word, is the mood a grammatical category or grammatical-semantic one? Regarding the researchers’ point of view about the field of the verb mood, how many moods can be accepted definitely, not over lapping other categories?

Studying and criticizing the available researches and summarizing adding up the materials indicate that firstly, a specific definition for the mood is essential based on which multiple classifications can be presented. Secondly, the verb mood in the sentence is arguable; therefore, in this grammatical category, the function is important. Furthermore, all the approved moods can be studied according to three main moods off affirmative, subjunctive and imperative. The final purpose of this research is to apply these achievements in today Persian grammar.


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