A Comparison of Baluchi Sassi and Ponoon with Persian Khosrow and Shirin by Nezami

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


1 Mehrestan Education / Iran

2 Departmet of Persian language and literature,Faculty of Foregin language and literature, Payame Noor University (PNU), Mashhad, Iran,


A Comparison of Baluchi Sassi and Ponoon with Persian Khosrow and Shirin by Nezami

In Baluchi literature, storytelling has a special place, and much of Baluchi traditional literature is devoted to poetic stories. The story of " Sassi and Ponoon " is the most important Baluchi story, which is common in the literature of other languages. This Romantic lyrical poem, despite its writer’s anonymity, is among Baluch's best songs.
Among the masterpieces of Persian poetry, fewer poets, such as Nezami, have shown the growth and development of their stories and characters, along with the beauty of appearance and richness of meaning, to preserve the elegance and grace of its work for centuries.
. This famous Iranian poet, has composed a unique love poem called "Khosrow and Shirin", is a song less romantic work can be equal it.
This research is based on a descriptive-analytical method to study and compare these two poems and analyze the existing commonalities and the differences between them.


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