The study of folklore elements in Bakhtiari poems

Document Type : Applied Research


Assistant professor , Department of literature and foreign languages, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. P. O . Box: 19395-3697,


One of the important tools for preserving and presenting cultural elements is folklore and dialect. Folklore is the knowledge about beliefs, opinion, creeds and ethical and today, it is the study field of anthropologist and sociologist. Folklore contains: tales, legends, myths, compositions, songs and anecdotes of past which conveys generations to generations. As we know the poems are the best way for conveying the folklore and culture of people.Therefore in present research, some Bakhtiari poems and poets are chosen and the researcher is trying to investigate the usage of folklore and cultural elements in poems of Bakhtiari poets. The main points of this research are studying the reflection of of cultural elements and folklore in some poems in Bakhtiari poets. The results show that Bakhtiari poets have known that folklore gives identity, unity, adaptability, relaxant so they have used cultural elements and folklore in their poems.
Key words: folklore, culture, Bakhtiari, current poet, ceremonies.


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