The Application of mind fluid technique in novel "va takallamat al-Hayat" (The Life Spoke)

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


1 isfahans university

2 Isfahan University


The Fluid flow is a new style in fiction that plays the role of the author in the least possible And writers like James Joyce, William Faulkner and Virginia Wolf have benefited from their works. In storie,s that are written in this style, the author will grab the characters and thoughts in the golden, instead of describing the events, and share the reader in the subjective experiences of characters. Alyaa Ansari The Iraqi Muslim author in his own novel is the title of the "va takallamat al-Hayat" for portraying the spirit of complex and sometimes frightening and tragic stories of fiction and to penetrate deep into their mental depths of this technique. ... This paper is a descriptive-analytic study to investigate the characteristics of the fluid technique of mind in the novel "va takallamat al-Hayat" And the results indicate that this style has come to the help of the story by the author to put the character in the process of transferring the stories into the same way, allowing the reader to be directly and without the narrator's involvement in the minds of the story's hero's thoughts and feelings. Also, with the help of internal and character-making and its personality and the mind of the champion and the concurrency phenomenon and a limited view of the whole, it has been able to introduce characters to the audience. The author in the story plan shows the boundaries of time and place of the ordinary and logical.


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