Analysis of Norman Falklaw's Critical Discourse Based on Solomon's Story

Document Type : Analytical and critical article


1 TheAssistance professor Persian Language and Literature ,department Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr,Azadshahr, Iran

2 TheAssistance professor Islamic knowledge ,department Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr,Azadshahr, Iran


Part of the Surah Al-Naml narrates the government and the vast territory of Prophet Solomon in which Jinn, Anas, birds and wind all came under his command. Given the importance of modern theories in understanding texts, it is done in a descriptive-analytical way. Discourse analysis, with its various approaches and branches, seeks to unravel the interrelations of language and society; With a view to social functioning. Indeed, the ideology behind the texts is explored and analyzed; the discourse analysis of the text examines internal and external criteria. Theory of Critical Discourse Analysis Norman Farkloff is one of the most famous theories of discourse exploration, while attempting to express the relationship between the internal and external criteria of the text, explaining the power of a society in which literary work is formed through three axes: description, interpretation, and The explanation is to be analyzed; on the basis of this, the present study seeks to analyze the story of Solomon on the basis of the theory of critical discourse of Falklaf at three levels. This study shows that the expression of the level of narrative description is of particular importance, and at the level of interpretation, it is observed that there is an unbreakable cohesion and that the message is more valuable in terms of narrative and ideological context
