Investigation of phonetic balance in Sana'i's sonnets

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran.


The music of the poem is a fascinating element of the orderly texts, which are prominent in Sana'i's sonnets and have become remarkably phonetic. Sana'i has increased his sonnets through the use of quantitative equilibrium and the use of different weights, multipliers, and rhythms. With the help of various weights, he gives a special attraction to the sonnet, so that the most frequencies can be found in the all-weights. In the application of qualitative phonetic balance, Sanai repeats a variety of repetitions and, by repeating different types of vowels and vowels in Persian, has attempted to beautify his sonnets so that his use of the long vowel "A" is of high frequency, so that it corresponds to the vowel "A". Has used vocabulary at the beginning, middle and end of the vocabulary, and has used the least amount of vowels in the short vowel "e". By using vowel repetition and consonants at the beginning and end of the vocabulary, he gives a poetic tone to his poetry that this poet's use of repetition in mid-verses is more evident. Thus, it can be said that Sana'i has used certain kinds of balance with respect to different consonants and has given certain music to his sonnets which can be studied in different contexts. This research is a descriptive-analytic one which first identifies the phonetic equilibrium topics in the Sana'i sonnets, then analyzing each one and determining the frequency of each in the form of graphs.


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