Pessimism in the poem of Akhavan Sales

Document Type : Analytical and critical article



Bitter Thinking is a word that means thinking bitterly. In this sense, we are confronted with thought; an idea that ends with an attitude. An attitude that stems from bitter thinking is bitter and black. This attitude is a gloomy speck that sees everything bitter and negative. And it's likely that darkness is darker and worse than what it is. Predictability is likely to have a personal or social background. Mehdi Akhavan Sales is one of the pessimistic poets of the contemporary era. In this research, while investigating the darkness in the poet's poetry, the poignant themes in his poems were analyzed. Based on this review, The cynicism of the Brotherhood originated primarily from his personal background and his personal life. Akhavan Sales after 1332, Influenced by this social and political failure, Has become socially pessimistic Which ultimately ends up in philosophical disappointment. Feeling loneliness, feeling alert and nostalgic, moradity and humor Loneliness is the most important pessimism in the poetry of the Brotherhood.


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