An analysis of the elements of nostalgia in the poetry of Mohammed Al-qaysi

Document Type : Applied Research


1 Assistant professor (PhD), Arabic Language Translation, University of Damghan, Iran

2 PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, University of Allama Tabatabai, Tehran, Iran


The sadness caused by the desire for a particular land that man longs to reach is a manifestation of nostalgia, by this description, sadness is a general experience in which the Palestinians lived and touched its suffering. Mohammed Qaisi, too, as a Palestinian modern poet, was deeply interested in his homeland and wished to return to his land. His poetic style is full of love and passion for the home. This study examines the nostalgia in Al-Qaysi’s poetry and examines the elements of nostalgia and sadness on his poetry. This descriptive-analytical study concludes that the occupation of Palestine and the displacement of Palestinians, remoteness from childhood and its remembrance, etc. are among the factors that caused sadness in Al-Qassi’s personal life. On the other hand, the main axioms of nostalgia in his poems are: sadness of homage and excessive tendency to return home, death in exile, seeking refuge in the city, and mythmaking.
Keywords: Nostalgia, separation, Patriotism, Exile, Mohammed Al-qaysi.


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