The Classicism Analysis of Nasorllah Monshi's Kalila wa Dimna

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University

2 Doctor of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University

3 Master of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University


Classicism is one of the oldest literary schools which dominated more than 2300 years over European literature. The major principles of this literary school include looking at the past, imitating nature, rationalism, moralism, and teaching with enjoyment. Though the Persian literary work namely Kelile and Demne is not included in geographical domain of this literary school, the prominent features of the school can be applied to it. In a descriptive-analytical method, the study attempts to investigate classist principles of the Kelile and Demne. The prominent results include the followings: 1. Kelile and Demne of Nasrallah Monshi consider the classic works of the past and sometimes imitate their themes and style. 2. It imitates nature and social experiences. 3. It attempts to teach pleasurably. For example, it considers proportions in form and meaning and teaches different sciences. 4. Kelile and Demne narrates some fables which seem to be real if we consider their cultural backgrounds. It is a technique that is called verisimilitude. 5. In bringing moral contents and themes, Kelile and Demne encompasses Islamic morality, humanistic morality, and Indian morality. Hence, Kelile and Demne can be generally categorized as moral classic work of literature.


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