Study elements of outbreak school in Vahshi Bafghi's and Mohammad Ali Bahmani's sonnets

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


PhD student in Persian language and literature, Kashan University


Outbreak school is of Persian poem schools in which pays to real love. The most important characteristics of poets of the school are as follows: reporting biography, improvisation, easy speeches, honesty in speeches, briefly explaining love and adoration with lovers' face. Being pioneer is referred to poets such as Baba Faghani Shirazi, Lesani Shirazi, and Shahidi Qomi and Vahshi Bafghi is the greatest poet. Tendency to outbreak is still continues and it even includes the poems of new poets. Among the poems, there is Mohammad Ali Bahmani. Presented research is performed with the analytic method and compared the elements of outbreak school in poems of Vahshi Bafghi and Bahmani. And he concludes that today's ghazal, unlike in the past, is formally adorned with a variety of expressive artists. The formations of Bahmani lyric poetry are: 1. Modernity in the field of language with the use of modern words and verbs 2. Use of everyday terms 3. Reflection of popular culture in poetry 4. Use of innovative and new combinations 5. Narrative expression with the help of biological and ecological experiences Poet 6. Using new images and imaginations. In addition to the formal changes, there have been changes in the field of content, which are: 1. The avalanche lover is feminine compared to the tenth-century male lover. Beloved soul along with physical beauties 4. Absence of rival and night parties in today's lyric; Apart from the above, wild and avalanche sonnets have many commonalities in other lyrical components.


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