A Study of Grammatical Cohesion in Jalal-e Al-e Ahmad’s Modire Madreseh (The School Principal) Story Based on Halliday & Hassan’s Theory

Document Type : Applied Research


1 Associate Professor of Linguistics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 ESL Instructor, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran



Cohesion is one of the fundamental components of every text. It is created through the juxtaposition of words and the establishment of semantic, grammatical and pragmatic relationships between sentences within the text. Within a functional linguistics framework, Halliday & Hassan (1976) suggested the category of cohesion and its subcategories including grammatical & lexical cohesion. The present paper uses Halliday & Hassan’s theory to study the elements of grammatical cohesion in the short story, Modire Mdreseh (The School Principal). To this end, different samples from the text were analyzed to explore the application of the elements of grammatical coherence including reference, ellipsis, substitution and conjunctions. The results indicated that reference (69.9%) and conjunctions (25.1%) have the biggest roles and ellipsis (4.01%) and substitution (0.91%) have had the smallest roles in the cohesion of the text. The findings are in line with the stylistic characteristics of Jalal-e Al-e Ahmad in colloquial writing. Moreover, the result showed that the story Modire Madreseh is cohesive as far as grammatical cohesion is concerned and the writer has made proper use of reference and conjunctions to maintain the relatedness of words and sentences. Using the elements of grammatical cohesion, Al-e Ahamad has been successful in attracting readers and making them keep reading.


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