Stylistic, poetic and calligraphy content of Muhammad bin Baqir in the 13th century

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical





One of the best ways to know and preserve the culture and identity of any nation is to pay special attention to the heritage left by the ancestors of that nation. Accordingly, this heritage should be preserved and made available to everyone. In the term, manuscripts or manuscripts are old books that are the works of predecessors and are not printed; Also, in the library literature, manuscripts are called writings that are a single copy and produced by the author. Manuscripts or manuscripts are very important due to their high research and archival value. But what is called a manuscript in Persian literature is the books that were usually produced in the era before the spread of the printing industry in Iran and Islamic countries. The most literary researches in Iran and other Islamic countries have been manuscripts, which are manuscripts of the works of predecessors; It is the most important monument that deserves to be preserved and corrected. Unfortunately, there is no accurate and complete information about this Persian-speaking poet. The mentioned poet wrote his poems mostly in the form of sonnets and odes with mystical, religious and praise themes.


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