Investigating the schemas of conceptual metaphors of "war and love" in Simin Behbahani's poetry

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


1 PhD student of Astara Azad University. Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Astara Branch of Azad University, Astara, Iran.

2 Azad University of Astara Branch / Persian Language and Literature Department

3 Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University of Astara, Department of Persian Literature



For conceptual metaphors, Lykoff considers the two domains of origin and destination, which in the metaphor of "love is war" is the origin of war, which is used as a destination domain to give meaning to the concepts in the category of love. The aim of this study was to investigate the conceptual metaphor of war and love in Simin Behbahani's poems by descriptive-analytical method with the aim of recognizing the concepts related to love. The results showed that Behbahani has considered the attributes and actions for the lover and the beloved, some of which are specific to one party, some of which are common between the two parties and some of which are necessary for each other. These attributes and actions include psychological, material, and physical consequences. In this metaphorical realm, although in most cases the lover is the victor of the field and the lover is the loser, but in some cases Behbahani, by deconstructing his style, puts the lover in a weaker position and this causes a higher frequency of common themes between lover and Has become more beloved than other actions. In general, most of the tricks and acts of war are for the beloved, and the most results and consequences of the war, especially in the part of physical results, are assigned to the lover.


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