Comparison of Rumi's Theological Beliefs with Allameh Hilli's Theological Beliefs According to Example Keywords and Evidence

Document Type : Fundamental research or theoretical


1 Faculty member of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University

2 teacher/Ministry of Education



A study of the Masnavi shows that in many cases the jurisprudential-theological beliefs of Rumi are different from the Shiite beliefs and mostly agree with the beliefs of the Ash'arite sect, but in any case the Masnavi has been accepted by Iranians who are Shiites. . This research tries to extract through the keyword, conceptual study and collection of concepts, analysis and inference of data, exploration and extraction of the ideas presented in Masnavi and its comparison with the Twelver Shiite beliefs. The method of doing the keyword method is conceptual in such a way that in a specific subject, for example, the occurrence and step of the Qur'an, all the verses in which the words related to the occurrence and step of the Qur'an have been used have been collected. ‌ In addition, by studying Masnavi, the concepts related to this subject should be examined. Considering what can be deduced from the comparison of the theological beliefs of Allameh Hali and Rumi, it can be seen that their theological views and opinions are in many cases different from each other and opposite to each other, for example, in monotheism, Saeedeh's vision. The antiquity of divine attributes, predestination and authority, monotheism of actions, jurisprudence and predestination, Imamate and guardianship, good and bad deeds, good and evil, and in very few cases have almost similar views such as intercession and reincarnation.


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